Journal #51: Melbourne
Cover Photo: “All of the Lights”
Killer Animals Spotted: 0
Has anyone ever put toppings back at a self-serve frozen yogurt place after the cashier weighs your cup? I was wondering this tonight because I never have any idea how much the yogurt costs until they weigh it, at which point, I feel like I should be able to say “hold up- let me remove a few of these M&Ms and get the weight down a quarter pound.”
I think these places prey on our guilt and charge higher prices as result- Donald Trump get on this! #MakeFroyoGreatAgain
Anyways- that’s what has been going on in my head tonight- how are you all doing?
Today was my last full day in Melbourne and unfortunately it rained most of the day. On the positive side, if there was a day where rain was acceptable, today was it. I had no concrete plans, had already toured the city, and needed time to figure out my plan of attack for Tasmania (next 4 days).
During a break in the storm I did head over to the Queen Victoria Gardens, which is a large park in the southern part of the city. Right at the center of the park is a large World War 1 memorial called “The Shrine of Remembrance”:
Since ANZAC day (a big holiday in Australia and New Zealand honoring those who died in the World Wars) is coming up on the 25th, there was a lot going on over there- veterans ceremonies, school trips, tours, etc. I’m told the celebration in the big cities is massive- but unfortunately I will be off the grid and in Tasmania during that day.
Speaking of which- although it has been nice to be back in a big city after 10 days in the Outback- I am very ready to leave Melbourne and get back to my favored past time of hiking mountains and waterfalls. Luckily Tasmania is full of both and I’ve got a lot of exciting things planned there- including potentially catching the Aurora Australis (i.e. “The Southern Lights”)!
I get into Tasmania in the early afternoon- so I should have a post tomorrow. If not- expect a significant post the following day!